It’s an inside job

When live gives one lemons, make lemonade.  Or guacamole.

So what if I don’t?

Suffering that does not lead to transformation leads to translation.

To others.  Family members. Generational.  Passed down and perpetuated.


Dwelling on my problems encourages residing with my problems.  Living there.  In THAT place.

It seems like when I complain, others perceive me as complaining.

What can I do?

What is in my circle of influence?  Me.  I can change me.  What can I do today?  What is the next indicated step?

Resentments preserve resentments.

When I stop being frustrated with others and my condition, I am freed to change myself.

Let there be a change in this country, and let it begin with me.

My attitude.

Is it an attitude of gratitude?  Does  my personality emanate an attitude of contentedness?

I live in the wealthiest country on this planet.  I see people purchasing grocery carts overflowing with food.  They may have an ample supply.  I have enough.

In my country.

I am rich.

Who can I serve today?  I want to put a smile on another person’s face.  Joy.  Peace.  Serenity.

I want to give life with my words.  To speak hope.

Building community by curbing my own impulsivity:  THINK

T   Is it truthful?

H  Is it it honest?

I   Is it intelligent?

N   Is it necessary?

K   Is it kind?

I can ask for help through the power of prayer.  For myself and others.  I can be thankful for the things I perceive as good and bad;  both have shaped me into the person I am today.

Wisdom to mend broken fences with my neighbor (figuratively).

Am I treating others in the manner that I prefer to be treated?

Let’s do this together!  Let’s start today and make a new day!  The path of harmony.

Brother Barnes



pink and orange zinnias
Living in harmony.





  1. The Bible states that there is power in the tongue. It is so important to speak life and encouragement into our communities, families, friends and most importantly, to ourselves! It is not always easy to see the positive side of many things in our lives but it is important to keep the faith and allow God to use you for His purpose.


  2. I think happiness is something you have to practice daily. I always wake up and know i am not hungry or cold or hot and have peopel who love me. I am blessed in so many ways!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. A journey with a thousand miles start with a single step. Taking one step at a time will make the world better. Love your attitude.!


  4. I’ve been working on this topic. I use to be bitter and use to treat others wrong because of my past situations in life. Lately, I have been praying and actually talking to God like he’s my best friend. One day I’ve decided to give all my problems to him and letting go of my past! I’ve been treating people the way I want to be treated. I’m not bitter anymore and my attitude have changed tremendously! Thank God for growth. I totally see what your coming from .


  5. I love your attitude, sir. My dad grilled this principle into me as a young child, & he insisted that I appreciate every little blessing of every day, and never complain. But rather, learn from my problems, challenges and, yes, even suffering. Now, as an adult, I find that this attitude makes all the difference in the world!


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