Who are you?

And who am I?

Recently, a student of mine asked me if I knew my Myers-Briggs personality type.

Me:  “It’s been awhile.”

Her:  “Check out this test at 16 personalities and tell me what you get!”

Me:  “Alrighty!”

Her:  “Be honest!”

Me:  “Will do!”

(I found two previous tests I had taken after the fact and the last one I took in 2013 was the same as the result of this test, my percentages were stronger tho).



So what did you learn about yourself?

How can this help you on your path?

How does this information help you in your interaction with others?


Reflection:  12-2-2019

I have heard the quote:  “To thine own self be true.”  How can this become reality if one doesn’t know oneself?   I believe this Myers-Briggs personality test is a stepping stone in the right direction.

Brother Barnes


  1. I got Consul and after reading over everything it’s very accurate. It described me as being someone who loves service. Then it went on say that my type does it because we thrive off of doing meaningful things and being appreciated by others.


  2. I am an ISFP, or adventurer, which is introversion+ sensing+ feeling+ believing. Adventurers are charming, sensitive to others, imaginative and passionate.


  3. I actually took this test years ago–maybe 6 years ago–when my brother was studying to become a professional counselor. I believe his class was required to take the test and then write about their types. I’m an INFP–the mediator. I wasn’t shocked to find that my type is introverted and highly emotional and imaginative; I’d known most of this my whole life. One thing I’ve learned over the years is that my type is more self-aware than most, which makes a lot of sense to me because I always seem to be the friend with my head screwed on straight–until emotions get involved, that is. One quote from the profile on the website that resonates with me is this: “We know who we are, but know not who we may be.” This speaks to me because I’m in a constant state of trying to establish myself and find which path in life I’m supposed to take, which is normal for anyone my age, but it is magnified by my type.
    A negative trait is that I get so caught up inside myself that my strengths can quickly become impractical. I may be creative, open-minded, passionate, and idealistic, but if I’m stuck inside my head I can’t do much good. This is probably the biggest thing I’ve had to learn about myself and try to overcome.


  4. I’ve actually been told many times that I am the personality type that I got – when discussing family matters and sharing details about my relationships – i’m often fit to this personality type. I guess I already knew this and when I got the result my first thought was “why am I always associated to that word?” – not in a bad way but, i’d say it is accurate. The results and things I read were helpful to see my relationships in a new light.


  5. It was me!! I am an ENFP-A, the campaigner. Campaigners are known as the free spirits of the Meyers Briggs. We tend to have so many great ideas, as our minds are always wandering and we are quite creative, but not as much will power to actually make them happen. That’s where the “do-ers” of the Meyers Briggs come in! We tend to work well with others and we may know many people, but only a select few will be considered friends. That’s because we value deep connections with people, over surface level conversation. I found that this test did an amazing job at reading me and I hope everyone can find something useful out of it! 🙂


  6. ESFJ-T
    This is the 3rd one I have taken like this and they all are about the same. I am almost always around the 50% give or take a few on everything. It does describe me in the best way it is able to. I am a very self-aware person so I did not really learn anything new about myself. My sister convinced me to take my first one because she wanted to predict my “letters” and see if she was right. She was! Personality tests are always interesting!


  7. I got advocate, which I completely agree with. I know I am an introvert and I don’t have an as assertive personality as I should . Because of where I work, some of these personality traits are going away or changing because I have to be more assertive and a “take charge” type of person. I especially have to judge and react to different situations every night and that showed in this quiz.


  8. I got ISFP-T which is an adventurer. It says I’m more introverted, I’m observant, i use my heart more than my brain and am kind of a push over. To some extent most of those are definitely me. One thing i didn’t seem to fit with was not being one to judge things before when planning i definitely do that more often. Also creative is definitely me with writing so most of it was accurate but some not so much or maybe i just don’t see myself that way who knows.


  9. So I got Consul. This is the first time I have ever taken one of these tests and Consul is definitely me! I am very organized. I love routine. Family is extremely important to me. I am very responsible, and have been since early teens. I love my friends, always here to talk to, or a shoulder to cry on. I love to help others in any way I can. I am very conflictaverse, and it is hard for me to come out of my own comfort zone at times.


  10. So I got Consul. First time I have ever taken one of these tests, and Consul describes me exactly! I am very organized. I can’t function without routine. Family is extremely important to me. I am very responsible, and have been since my early teens. I love my friends, I love helping others in any way I can. I am very conflictaverse, and it is hard for me to come out of my own comfort zone at times. Thanks Dr. Barnes for sharing this test!


  11. I am ENFJ-A The Protagonist
    Protagonists are natural-born leaders, full of passion and charisma. Forming around two percent of the population, they are oftentimes our politicians, our coaches and our teachers, reaching out and inspiring others to achieve and to do good in the world. With a natural confidence that begets influence, Protagonists take a great deal of pride and joy in guiding others to work together to improve themselves and their community.

    I can see that 😎


  12. I’m ISFP-T, which is does not really surprise me. I’ve taken this test last year for a project and I have not changed. I’ve learned that i’m most likely going to be this way forever.


  13. I am an Advocate (INFJ-T) and it says that helping others is their purpose in life and that they use their imagination to create balance.


  14. I’m an INFP! The mediator. I think it can definitely be useful at times! I’m laid back and want everyone and everything to get along and will strive for that to happen!


  15. I’m an adventurer. I feel as if this is somewhat true in some areas but not in others. I don’t think I am very artistic which is one of the main things it says adventurers are…


  16. I am an Entertainer (ESFP-T).
    Individual traits: Extraverted – 51%, Observant – 73%, Feeling – 76%, Prospecting – 54%, Turbulent – 72%
    Role: Explorer
    Strategy: Social Engagement

    …enjoy surprises
    …say that helping others gives them purpose
    …always try to look for the bright side
    …enjoy team projects
    …say they are good at cheering people up


  17. I think it’s interesting that I did this test back in high school and I’m the same personality type years later. INFJ-A. Slightly introverted, advocate. I work in healthcare so that validates the career paths listed for this type.


  18. Im an INFP, The Mediator. The INFP is described to be an idealists who always looks for the good in people and can be very intuitive and emotional. I am very emotional and always find myself lost in my own head. I think this type accurately describes me especially with looking for good in people. I always give people excuses and chance after chance because I want them to be good people. INFP’s are also described as creative, which I am very creative as I am a participate of the Fine Arts!


    1. This is good to know!

      Painful to see in retrospect, but helps one understand self.

      Makes you wonder if people who push for acceptance are drawn to INFP’s because of the willingness to accept flaws.


  19. I am ENFP-T meaning I am extremely extroverted but almost to a fault as I cope with emotions by being a hardcore people-pleaser! I am also very much a perfectionist Super interesting to think about.


  20. My personality type is INFP, which stands for introversion, intuition, feeling, and perception. It says that I am a mediator who is a great listener and lead on pure intent and not reward, which I find to be 100% accurate. I find that I help others before myself in most situations, and have no regrets in doing so.


  21. Brother Barnes, the website states that I am an advocate, and I am a diplomat toward other people that I hang around with. This is true because everytime there is a problem, my friend are quick to come to me with their problems, and I guide them in the right way.


  22. I was a mediator, most of what was written was what I found to be true. INFP is what my result was. I live mostly away from people and with my principles. I did find this test to be accurate but, i do think we can’t just categorize ourselves by one single personality type because there is so much more to a personality than just an algorithm.


  23. I am an advocate. The quiz stated a was an introvert and that was very accurate. I learned that my personality type is rare & that helped me on my path because now I know to never change myself. As In my interaction with others, I love to help and feel as it is my living purpose, lots of the time I put others before myself.


  24. I learned that I am an advocate(INFJ) and that advocates can be very sensitive and a very private person which explains why it is hard for me to socialized with other people Advocates can be very insightful in how seeing things that are very connected which explains my insert in the library field.I also learned that advocates to hangout with friends that share the same beliefs and interests as them which definitely explains my interactions with other people.


  25. My results were that I am an advocate (INFJ), and these were the same results that I got two years ago when I took this in my high school english class. What I learned about myself is that I am very intuitive and my emotions are often very strong. Advocates are perfectionists and are very determined when they set their minds to something. They also tend to see helping others as one of their main purposes in life, which explains my high interest in the medical field. This information helps with my interaction with others by showing that I can be very empathetic toward others and am always willing to help out when others are in need.

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  26. I am an Advocate, i believe this is true because I am passionate towards others and to their ideas. Im very creative to a certain point and I always feel like a need a cause to be useful or do something good towards others. I also tend exhaust myself if i have a bad day or if things don’t go my way.


  27. I learned that my personality type is that I am a protagonist and what my higher percent was when it comes to certain things. This can help me interact better with other people because I know how I am with certain situations and things.


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